Helmet-Specific GoPro Mounts
for Hell Mounts Los Angeles

After owning a Shoei RF-1200 for less than a week, I saw a need for a good POV mounting solution (there are many, many reasons to wear a camera while riding a motorcycle). Due to the curves of the RF-1200, I couldn't mount a camera the way I wanted. Considerations were camera size, chin vents, a fully usable visor, overall fit & finish, as well as no "clacking" common with other GoPro-style mounts.
A rough 3D scan was taken, imported to CAD, then modeled as a refined surface

A week, a bunch of 3D modeling, and a couple 3D printed prototypes later I had a mount that I liked.
Below: Final version (red, iteration #8) next to a prototype (black, iteration #6)

Soon after this, a riding friend saw POV footage of mine and ended up asking for the rights to the product so he could sell them. I created a branding package for the company and they are currently for sale at hellmounts.bigcartel.com

Lastly, some product photography for the brand:

Now that the RF-1200 mount has been for sale for a year, I am currently working with HMLA to release 3 new helmet-specific mounts for Spring/Summer 2017.